Self Awareness

“The ability to take an honest look at your life without attachment of it being right or wrong.” Become a better version of you by understanding yourself, your thoughts and feelings.

Learn you

Learn you in order to improve and build a strong character. Awareness provides the ability to see areas of improvement in order to achieve our goals. Think before deciding and make the distinction between right and wrong by not acting based on feelings.

Personal growth

I’ve become more aware of my efforts, my environment, people I chose to entertain, how I spend my time, what I consume, my thoughts, my values etc.. I had to get to know me in order to get rid of some of the negativities I was letting disturb my peace.

Being a giver, it’s hard to stop caring when you always feel the need to help someone. I had to take into considerations that takers will bleed you dry abuse you and destroy your peace as long as you let them. Self awareness is my way to continue to giving without getting hurt in the process. Whenever I’m calm have the ability to sense the energy around me. I Then respectfully remove self from negative energies or safely wait it out.


Setting personal limits for building and maintaining healthy relationships by voiding thoughts, environments or situations that weakens you. You cannot help from a weak place, you have to take care of yourself in order to take care of others. Putting in practice a good boundary is essential in order to avoid recurring triggers. This enables making rational decisions. Boundaries are tested and communicating is necessary show character. Make is clear that certain behaviors will not be tolerated and stand firm on the decision.


The ego feels that we deserve the same energy we put out, when in fact we should be detaching from the outcome. If the energy was poured out of love then it has served it’s purpose. Therefore, the outcome should not affect the attitude or certain results. During this process Doing good with the expectation of receiving good doesn’t work at all.

Don’t waist your time setting false expectation, just know that everyone is going trough some form of pain and it would be wrong for them to put your needs first. Instead reward yourself for having that ability to give and are training your mind to be grateful in any situation. Enjoy that moment and realize how abundant you are then keep moving forward.


Awareness is essential in creating a divine mind. The moment you’re aware that the ego is trying to take over, you can use meditation techniques to connect with the spirit and focus on positivity. Just remember that life is a cycle of good and bad times, enjoy your good times and learn from the bad times.

Galatians 6:3 NIV

If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves.

Don’t treat people as bad as you think they are, treat them as good as you are.

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